It’s hard to argue with the idea of free. Especially if you are trying to promote something that you make money with, you certainly don’t want to spend your profits trying to get people to buy things in the first place. That’s why whenever you can find ways to utilize free advertising to your advantage, that’s a bus you want to hop on and ride for as long as you can.
Take a handful of examples of how free advertising techniques can work for you. You can look online for ads and promotions they give you discounts or free trials for methods of advertising. You can get a ton of free advertising through social media platforms like Facebook, or Instagram or Reddit for instance. Reddit is well known for its interest groups, subreddits, and is one of the most popular social media sites. As a matter of fact, users are 22% more likely to intentionally search for content on Reddit, compared to passively scrolling. This leads to high engagement with content and ads! The platform can offer you with unique options to enhance your advertising strategy. While some options may be paid, a Reddit ad specs guide can provide you valuable insights into creating effective ads tailored to Reddit’s distinct community-driven environment. By understanding and leveraging the platform’s ad formats, you can maximize engagement even with minimal investment, making it a valuable part of your advertising toolkit.
Talking to people face-to-face is a great way to spread your message for free. And, if you have passionate supporters, they will often create a word-of-mouth network for you that doesn’t cost a penny.
Online Ads and Promotions
What are some of the major online advertising and promotions schemes that you know of? You’ve probably heard of Google advertising. Less popular but just as effective is Bing advertising. So if you want to advertise through Bing, there are coupons that you can use that give you a way to test the system without having to put any money into it.
Through Social Media
When you use social media for business, there are great opportunities to get some free advertising. Because social media platforms are free themselves, it’s just a matter of you being creative and getting your message to the people who are most likely to respond positively. You can also collab with other influencers on social media sites such as Instagram and TikTok to promote your products and brands. And you might also be interested in generating traffic on your blogs since it can be converted into potential leads. In that case, you can check out tools and facilities provided by websites such as (or similar service provider for other social media sites) to grow your business.
Talking To People Face To Face
A lot of people try to do all of their advertising and promotions online. They think that they can put all their effort into hitting keys on the keyboard and results will automatically come. It is an unfortunate perspective to have. Instead, try talking to people face-to-face about your product. It is free for you to stand there and talk about a product to interested parties. Use this to your advantage, and you’ll see what a great technique it is!
Word of Mouth from Passionate Supporters
Finally, once you have a great product out there, you can rely on word-of-mouth from your passionate supporters. As long as they feel that there is a benefit to them speaking expressively about your brand or your service, you’d be amazed at how willing people are to put themselves out there for your benefit. After you have connected with some of your most ardent supporters, they will feel connected to you in a way that has undeniable positive effects. It is another case of people being more important than a product in some instances.